Matzにっき(2008-06-28) Ruby on Rails: scaling to 1 billion page views per month |
Ruby on Rails: scaling to 1 billion page views per month | While a lot of attention has been focused on Twitter with questions about whether Ruby on Rails scales, LinkedIn has been quietly running a RoR application on Facebook that is beating down around 1 billion page view per month. Bumpersticker, a relatively trivial Facebook application that allows you to create a cartoon that you can put on your Facebook friends’ sites. TwitterによってRuby on Railsがスケールするかどうかに対...
LinkedInは..月間10億ページビューのRoR..平均毎秒400アクセス弱、ピーク時だと数千..Rubyが遅くても、結局はボトルネックは別のところにある という仮説を裏づける..実際、楽天とかでも問題なく動いてる