Merb gets merged into Rails3! - なんとなく日記

Riding Rails: Merb gets merged into Rails 3!の超簡易和訳.Merb が Rails3 に統合される!みんなにクリスマスプレゼントがあるんだ.何かって言うと Merb と Rails のベンチマーク論争に終止符を打つのさ.つまり Merb が Rails 3 に統合されるんだ!我々…

Katz Got Your Tongue? ツサ Rails and Merb Merge Today is a fairly momentous day in the history of Ruby web frameworks. You will probably find the news I窶冦 about to share with you fairly shocking, but I will attempt to explain the situati…

Riding Rails: Merb gets merged into Rails 3!

Posted by David December 23, 2008 @ 07:47 PMIt’s christmas, baby, and do we have a present for you. We’re ending the bickering between Merb and Rails with a this bombshell: Merb is being merged into R... http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2008/…