
福岡県庁ホームページ フクオカRuby大賞を創設!

http://www.pref.fukuoka.lg.jp/d08/ruby-award.html F-Rubyとは違い、こちらは情報政策課が担当。 http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/http://www.pref.fukuoka.lg.jp/d08/ruby-award.html

Ajaxian Redshift: What Ruby and a nice API can do in the browser

Red writes like Ruby and runs like JavaScript That is the tagline for Red, and they mean it: The all-new Red is a Ruby-to-JavaScript transliterator backed by a custom ruby.js library designed to let your code run in the browser exactly* th…

毎朝メイドさんからGoogleカレンダーの予定がメールで届く「メイドめーる」 - GIGAZINE


Rails Envy: Rubyconf in 90 Seconds

Rails Envy Home Company Portfolio Speaking Podcast Hire Us It’s not the size of the app that matters, it’s how you code it. Rubyconf was last weekend, and I was there taking video of all the speakers for a nice little montage which will co…

@Nifty 旅行日和

https://login.nifty.com/service/login?TARGET=http%3A%2F%2Ftabi.nifty.com%2F%3FnwsThough%3D1&authThrough=1&cd=https%3A%2F%2Ftabi.nifty.com&s=travelogue 旅行記CGMサイト! http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/https://login.nifty.com/service/login?TARG…

UnitTestから RSpec on Rails に書き換えてみた (モデル編) - yuum3のお仕事日記

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yuum3/20081111/1226369036 http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yuum3/20081111/1226369036

Ruby on Railsの開発をWindowsでおこなう - Hatena::Rubyist::Ubuntu - Rubyist
